2009 Photos
- Dana (left) and Seth (right) put a mount on the current meter.
- Britt, Sarah, Lisa, Regina, Bill, Seth, and Sean (left to right) deploy a profiler.
- Seth, Regina, Britt, and Lisa (and canine friends Tagg and Whit)(left to right) walk across the tidal flats.
- View of the flats at low tide from Craft Island.
- Levi, Regina, Lisa, Erika, Dana, Britt, and Steve on Craft Island with the hovercraft parked at the base.
- Hovercraft driver Steve (left) talks with Stealth driver Bill during sensor deployment.
- Sarah (left) and Britt bury a pressure gage.
- Seth (left) and Sean (driver) motor the Stealth loaded with frames along the marshes.
- Divers Evan (left) and Steve get frames parts for deployment
- Evan (left) and Dana work on the waverunner-survey system.
- Britt (left), Seth, and Whit walk across the tidal flats.
- Hovercrafting.
- Regina driving the waverunner through the boat wakes.
- Surface diving to clean frames.
- Britt working in the fridge so her Airbook will work during record high heat
- Levi surveying a tripod.
- Seth programming the CTD
- Vera taking notes by a tripod.
- Regina programming the CTD while her dad lowers it into the water.
- Levi cleaning mounts.
- Evan, Sean, Regina, and Levi (left to right) carry the anemometer tower back to the boat.
- Dana, Britt, and Lisa pull the Stealth into shallower water, while Vera, Seth, and Sarah pull the Al boat, and John Ryan (NPR) looks on.
- Bringing the last anemometer tower back to the boats.
- A tripod covered in Ulva. The current meters aren’t working like this!
- Evan (left) and Sarah display their notebook (also known as a t-shirt).
- Dana asleep in the Stealth
- La Conner Thai food party.
- Steve and Whit take a nap.
- Lisa programming the CTD.
- End of experiment celebration.
- Dana (left) and Levi find new uses for the plungers.
- Whit riding the waverunner.
- The crew (from left to right Dave Velasco (SonTek), Britt & Whit, Steve, Erika, Vera (front) & Levi, Regina, Evan, Dana, Sean, Bill, and Seth).
- The crew on Craft Island (from left to right Erika, Levi, Dana, Evan, Britt & Whit, Seth, Sarah, Regina, and Lisa).
- Evan (left) and Steve prepare to dive to deploy sensors.
- Sean programming the CTD to collect water density data.
- Dana lowering the CTD into the water.
- Seth tying a guy line onto the anemometer tower while his mom (left) and Britt wait for the recovery crew to arrive.
- Dennis removing the anemometer while Regina (left), Levi (middle), and Sean (right) prepare to disassemble the tower.
- Seeing Eye dog Whit guiding Britt up onto Craft Island
2008 Photos
- Britt, Bill, and Steve diving to deploy instruments at mid tide.
- Foot prints on the tidal flats with Craft Island in the background.
- Erika and Vera driving to the flats.
- Levi tying down tripod parts for transport to the flats.
- GPS base station and RTK transmitter on top of Craft Island with the flats at high tide visible in the background. Jim Thomson and Chris Chickadel’s weather station and tower are just behind the base station.
- Bill, Steve, and Britt (left to right) putting on dive gear while Whit watches.
- Vera holding our makeshift raft with parts during instrument deployment.
- Vera walking across the tidal flats.
- Whit guarding the boat and gear during dive operations.
- Bill driving past the Rainbow bridge.
- Front between river and bay waters with Ika island in the background.
- Front between fresher river water and saltier bay water.
- Levi, Erika, Evan, and Bill (left to right) putting together rafts in preparation for instrument deployment.
- Evan, Erika, Levi, and Bill (left to right) driving tripods out to the flats for deployment.
- Erika, Britt, and Vera (left to right) deploying instruments.
- Vera, Britt, and Erika (left to right) deploying instruments.
- Vera, Whit, and Britt crossing the Craft Island channel to go out to the flats to clean sensors at low tide.
- Bill with his new boat.
- Bill, Steve, and Britt (left to right) preparing to dive.
- Tidal flats at low tide with ponded water owing to strong south-westerly winds.
- Britt, Erika, and Vera (left to right) returning to the boat to pick up more sensors for deployment.
- Evan, Britt, and Seeing Eye dog Whit (left to right) stopped at the staging area at the Skagit River System Cooperative to pick up more gear.
- Evan going to pick up divers.