Acoustic Doppler (SonTek), acoustic travel time (MAVS), and electromagnetic current meters (Marsh McBirney) were deployed along with a pressure gage and 2 sonar altimeters in the surfzone for 2 weeks in Fall 1998 by Steve Elgar, Britt Raubenheimer, and Bob Guza.

The purpose was to compare current meter performance in the surfzone.

figure 1

Figure 1. Schematic of frames and instruments that were deployed in the surf zone. The frames held 1 Marsh-McBirney electromagnetic current meter (EMC1), 5 SonTek OCEAN acoustic Doppler current meters mounted downward (AD2D, AD3D, AD4D, AD5D) and upward (AD3U) looking, 1 MAVS acoustic travel time current meter (ATT1), 2 sonar altimeters (ALT1, ALT2), and a SETRA pressure gage (PRES).

 Photograph of the right-hand-side frame (top) in the surfzone.

Photograph of the right-hand-side frame (top) in the surfzone.

The XTREE frame being recovered in November 1998 near the Scripps pier. The sensors are described in the right-hand frame schematic of Figure 1.

The XTREE frame being recovered in November 1998 near the Scripps pier. The sensors are described in the right-hand frame schematic of Figure 1.

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