Acoustic Doppler (SonTek), acoustic travel time (MAVS), and electromagnetic current meters (Marsh McBirney) were deployed along with a pressure gage and 2 sonar altimeters in the surfzone for 2 weeks in Fall 1998 by Steve Elgar, Britt Raubenheimer, and Bob Guza.
The purpose was to compare current meter performance in the surfzone.
Figure 1. Schematic of frames and instruments that were deployed in the surf zone. The frames held 1 Marsh-McBirney electromagnetic current meter (EMC1), 5 SonTek OCEAN acoustic Doppler current meters mounted downward (AD2D, AD3D, AD4D, AD5D) and upward (AD3U) looking, 1 MAVS acoustic travel time current meter (ATT1), 2 sonar altimeters (ALT1, ALT2), and a SETRA pressure gage (PRES).
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